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Early Years Foundation Stage Aims

Our Mission statement:

Children who attend Little Ed’s and our Reception classes are given the confidence to make the most of their abilities, to be independent learners,  to have the opportunity to develop their skills within a nurturing environment and the expectation that everything and anything is possible with the right encouragement and support.

Within the EYFS at St. Edmunds School our aim is to provide children with:
  • A secure, welcoming and friendly environment with a variety of challenges and experiences each day.
  • Opportunities to be independent and make choices in their own learning and play.
  • Providing the best opportunities to gain the early skills that are necessary to build their foundations to learn.
  • Opportunities to explore their surroundings and to learn in the great outdoors.
  • An introduction to and securing values such as being kind, being helpful, listening to each other, sharing and looking after their environment.
  • Provision of a platform to enable them to develop at their own pace and level.
  • A setting where the children feel respected, valued and where their voice is heard.
  • Outstanding staff who are positive role models, who know the children well and are familiar with their individual needs.
  • An environment providing the children with a sense of belonging.
Forest school

The best classroom is roofed only by the sky……

We are very fortunate to have beautiful grounds surrounding us at St. Edmunds. Children in the EYFS department also have their own Forest school site within the school grounds. The site is in use regularly throughout the week by both Reception and nursery children and is very much a part of our provision. We enjoy exploring nature; learning through our environment and digging for bugs and a big favourite is marshmallows or hot chocolate around the fire!