St Edmund’s ranked #3 in The Sunday Times Parent Power Tables
Celebration as St Edmund’s has been ranked #3 in The Sunday Times Top Independent Secondary Schools
Parent Power tables which lists the top performing and highest-achieving schools across the country and is billed as “the definitive guide to secondary schools”. St Edmund’s has been ranked #3 in the Top fee paying - schools with no sixth forms category. The tables rank schools on their average performance using A-level, GCSE and IB outcomes from summer 2022; the first standard results since before the Covid-19 pandemic began.
Headmaster of St Edmund’s Adam Walliker said: ‘We are delighted to feature in the Sunday Times Parent Power league Tables this year, it’s been a challenging few years for teachers, pupils and parents since the Pandemic but this ranking is testament to the incredible hard work and dedication of all at St Edmund’s. We’re incredibly proud of our GCSE results this year where the value-added score for the cohort was an amazing +2.0 based on CAT4 predictors. This means that St Edmund’s pupils achieved two grades higher on average per subject than was expected for that pupil’s ability following external testing at the start of their GCSE programme.
This year we posted a fantastic 99% pass rate (grades 4-9) against a national average of 73%. All students achieved a 100% pass rate in English Language, Mathematics and Sciences, with two-thirds of passes at grades 7-9 (the old A*/A grades. The proportion of grades awarded at 7-9 (the old A*/A grades) was an impressive 67% compared to a national average of 26%. Almost half of all students achieved seven or more grades 7-9 with a quarter of pupils receiving nine or more grades 7-9.’’
Parent Power 2023 tables can be found on The Times website. A login or paywall may be in operation: